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Showing posts from 2017

No Language is More Beautiful Than That of a Poem

“I stand in ruins behind you / with your winter clothes, your broken sandal straps. / I love to see you naked over there / especially from the back.” So sings Leonard Cohen in “Take This Longing,” and so the 2017 Poetry Marathon kicked off.  Since 2009 (less one summer when funding disappeared), I have had the great fortune to spend my summers working with teachers through the Wyoming Writing Project (WWP). This morning, I sip coffee from my WWP mug – a gift from last year’s leaders. It’s a cup I only drink from on special occasions.   The Poetry Marathon is special. ·        The goal: Write one poem every 24 hours. ·        The reward: In one day, I will have a chapbook worth of poems. This was daunting (I posted my first poem at 7:59 a.m. with one minute to spare). It was engaging (I used the prompts they posted for guidance). It was cathartic (I let the words and ideas and dreams spill onto the...