Annnnd, we have a winner! The Charlotte Huck Award for Outstanding Fiction for Children Committee, which focuses on children’s and middle grade fiction, named an award-winning book for 2025! If you're in Boston, plan to attend the Children’s Book Award Luncheon on Saturday at 12:30 to hear the news or look for an announcement on this blog. The 2024 winner , The Probability of Everything by Sarah Everett ( Clarion Books ), is a middle grade novel. Kemi, an 11-year-old aspiring scientist who loves facts and stats, navigates grief and loss. Follow the link to see Honor and Recommended books to read or use in your classroom. There are countless benefits to serve on a national book committee: camaraderie, shared passions, critical thinking, and (of course!) free books. As we dialogued and discussed our final 40 books (we read more than 1,000 over the course of the year), I was reminded of the qualities of a text and of the decisions teachers, librarians, and other educati...